Ethereal Ragnarok Online
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Bunch of Things.

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Bunch of Things. Empty Bunch of Things.

Post by Djinn Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:22 pm

Okay, to kick off, I really do admit that this server is quite good. Aside from the fact that it's a Philippine server, certain stuff are quite good enough already. However, I noticed that people do not stay certainly because they're bored. Now, there are tons of ways to keep the players playing and one of them is having quests. I know for sure that we already have that Angel Thingy floating around Poring Market selling wings in exchange for 100 Platinum Coins. That's not enough, aaaaannd... getting 100 platcoins is tedious and at the same boring.. (might not even be worth the time.)

So if ever the staff decides to make a quest for items and stuff, count me in. I can give you guys tons of ideas. and I mean a pool of ideas from which you can just choose and execute stuff and then make the NPCs and then put in the game.

Ethereal Noob Player
Ethereal Noob Player

Number of posts : 3
Points : 7
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Registration date : 2010-06-18

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