Ethereal Ragnarok Online
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EtherealRO In-game Rules And Punishments

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EtherealRO In-game Rules And Punishments Empty EtherealRO In-game Rules And Punishments

Post by • SoulDuo • Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:06 am

Ethereal Ragnarok Online
In-game Rules

Rules And Regulation - For Players exc
1. Respect all members of the server ( players and GMs ). You may not like everyone, or get along, but giving respect to them is not optional.

2. Do not use any variation of "GM" in your character's name, guild name, or guild title. GM impersonation is considered an attempt to scam players and will not be tollerated.

3. Do not impersonate any other player on the server. There has been a problem in the past with players doing this to take advantage of the friends of those who that impersonate.This also will not be tolerated.

4. Do not ask any GM if you can (or how to) become a Game Master. GM are chosen by the administrator, and it is not a democratic process.

5. Do not summon mosters anywhere but in the Dead Branch arena.

6. Do not spam skills or chat in any of the main towns.

7. Do not attempt to cheat the server, or any individual player. This includes but is not limited to scamming which is an attempt to mislead another player so that you can basically "rip them off".

8. Do not Kill/Loot Steal. This means intentionally attacking a monster that someone else has already been killing, or running up and taking the loots it drops before the MVP can get to it. Please note: The use of @autoloot can significantly reduce the chances of loot stealing.

9. Do not use offensive language. Punishments of this vary due to the severity of the action.
- Profanity: This is the use of "swear" or "curse" words. There is a very small amount of lenience with this, but should the terms become offensive, the appropriate action will be taken.
- Racial slurs: This is the use of degrading statements or terms directed at a group or individual based on their race. This will NOT be tollerated under any circumstances, and will be harshly dealt with.
- Sexual nature (or use of sexual terms in character, party, guild, or title names): This is the use of any sexual terms, mention of any genetalia, or sexual inuendos. This also includes the use of letters, numbers, and other characters to present obscene images. Like racism this will be deal with harshly, and without warning.

10. Do not block NPCs by places your chats over them, and do not place chats at the spawn point. All chats need to be at the very least 5 cell blocks away from spawn points, portals, and NPCs.

11. Do not harass other players. This is the act of swearing at/insulting an individual for an extended period of time. I.E. following someone through town making fun of them, or broadcasting personal insults directed at them. Players are real people, with real feelings, and should be treated as such.

12. Do not abuse the broadcaster. While we do not mind the occassional "Happy Birthday (insert name)", "Will you marry me (insert name)?", if it starts to get out of hand, the price or delay time will be raised, or it may just be disabled completely for the day.

13. Attempting to evade punishment: This is logging onto another character after having been muted, getting on another account while banned, or changing IPs to avoid an IP block. You may log out, but you cannot log onto another account.

14. It is illegal to sell in-game items or zeny for real life money! This includes LOAD.

15. Trading items on Blackout for other servers' items (or vice versa) is illegal.

Notice : GM's aren't responsible for LOST or STOLEN items.

Punishments - Listed by rule number coorespondence exc

1. 1 warning, 60 minute mute, 1 day ban

2. Character/guild/party deletion, and a 1 day ban, 3 day ban, permanent ban
*Note: If used for scamming purposes it will be an automatic charblock and IP ban.

3. 1 day ban, 3 day ban, permanent ban
*Note: If used for scamming purposes it will be an automatic charblock and IP ban.

4. 1 warning, 60 minute mute, 1 day ban

5. 1 warning, 1 day jail, 1 day ban

6. 1 warning, 30 minute mute, 1 day jail

7. Automatic charblock and IP ban

8. 1 warning, 1 day jail, 3 day jail

9. Profanity: 1 warning, 60 minute mute, 1 day ban - Racial slurs: 3 day ban, 1 week ban, permanent charblock - Sexual nature: 60 minute mute, 2 day ban, 1 week ban * Note: Sexual harassment will not be tollerated and will result in an automatic charblock and IP ban. Also note, any of these things in a character/guild/party name will result in an automatic 3 day ban.

10. 1 warning, 60 minute mute, 1 day jail

11. 30 minute mute, 1 day jail, 3 day ban

12. 1 warning, 60 minute mute, 1 day jail

13. Evading punishment: This will result in the doubling of the time frame for your punishment on all accounts.

14. 1 warning, account block, IP ban

15. Automatic charblock and IP ban

* Please note that in extreme instances of any of the previous, some alterations may occur based on the judgement of the active Game Master.

Rules For Game Master exc

1. Treat ALL players with respect.

2. Do not spam skills in town or PvP.

3. Do not attack players in PvP unless requested. If you're in PvP, you should be in hiding. Should you choose not to hide and a player attacks you, you are at fault, not the player.

4. Do not share/give away ANY items unless it is given as a reward for winning an event, and even in this case, GM equips are not to be given to players. I.E. Ahura Mazdad ect.

5. Do not use GM commands to assist in leveling or aid the player in any way.

6. Do not give lenience to the players whom you've befriended. They should be treated as any other player, and should not be given "slack"/benefits.

7. Do not engage in conversations with players on topics of illegal or sexual nature.

8. GMs disobeying the rules will have their IP banned, no warnings.

Any breaking of these rules will result in punishment set forth by the administrator.

• SoulDuo •
• SoulDuo •

Number of posts : 55
Location : Philippines
Points : 88
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Registration date : 2010-04-20

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